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Monday 16 May 2016

Top 10 Windows 8 tips and tricks

Top 10 Windows 8 tips and tricks

Update to Windows 8.1

Microsoft has launched windows eight.1, that's a unfastened improve for all and sundry going for walks home windows eight. This replace addresses some of the troubles users have had with windows eight and also adds a begin button. go to Microsoft's windows 8.1 web page for the update.

Customize your tiles

Make the most of your home windows begin display screen tiles with the aid of adjusting the sizes, in which they may be placed, and what is indexed.

  • Circulate any tile by using clicking and dragging the tile. while moving a tile, in case you want a larger view of the begin display flow the tile toward the top or backside of the display screen to zoom out.
  • Use your mouse wheel to scroll left-to-right thru your tiles.
  • Any computer shortcut or software may be pinned to the start display screen with the aid of right-clicking the icon and selecting Pin to start.
  • In the bottom right-hand corner of the start screen is a magnifying glass with tiles, click this icon to get a zoomed out view of your start screen. on this view, in case you proper-click on on a set of tiles you will be given the choice to call institution, which may be beneficial if you have a set of related tiles (e.g. games). on this view, you could also click and drag a set to prepare your tile corporations.
  • Create a brand new speed bump among tile corporations by means of shifting a tile to a speed bump.
  • Resize any consumer tile or stay tile by using right-clicking the tile and choosing resize.
  • If there's a tile you need to your Taskbar, right-click on the tile and select Pin to taskbar.
  • Show admin programs at the begin display screen with the aid of clicking Settings in Charms, click Settings, and exchange the show administrative tools from No to sure.
  • In net Explorer 10, you can additionally pin any of your preferred net pages on your begin display.

Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts

Knowing at least a number of the home windows 8 keyboard shortcuts helps make your windows 8 enjoy lots greater exciting. attempt to memorize these pinnacle home windows 8 shortcut keys.

  • Press the home windows key to open the begin display screen or switch to the computing device (if open).
  • Press the home windows key + D opens the windows computer.
  • Press the home windows key + . to pin and unpin home windows apps on the aspect of the display.
  • Press the windows key + X to open the power user menu, which gives you get right of entry to to among the functions maximum strength customers would want (e.g. device supervisor and Command set off).
  • Press the windows key + C to open the Charms.
  • Press the home windows key + I to open the Settings, that's the identical Settings located in Charms.
  • Press and hold the windows key + Tab to show open apps.
  • Press the windows key + Print screen to create a display shot, that is automatically saved into your My pics folder.

See our home windows shortcuts web page for a complete listing of all windows shortcuts.

Know your hot corners

The corners in your screen are warm corners and provide you with get admission to to different windows capabilities. underneath, is a brief clarification of each of those corners.

Bottom Left-hand nook

The bottom left-hand warm corner of the screen allows you to access the start screen. if you're inside the start display screen and feature the laptop open, this nook opens the laptop from the begin screen.

Tip: right-clicking in the left hand corner opens the energy user menu.

Top-left corner of the display

Moving the mouse to the top-left corner after which down presentations all the apps strolling at the pc. Clicking and dragging any of these apps to the left or proper-hand side of the screen will snap that app to that aspect of the display. each of those open app icons can also be proper-clicked to close or snap.

Right-hand facet of the display screen

On the whole proper-hand aspect of the display screen might be given get entry to to the home windows Charms.

Taking advantage of search

The quest in home windows eight has been substantially stepped forward while compared to all preceding versions of windows. To search for a document or run a program in windows eight from the start screen simply start typing what you're looking for or need to run.

As you begin typing, the consequences will start performing on the left-hand aspect. the hunt also supports restricting the hunt to apps inclusive of Finance, people, Maps, pics, Mail, song, films, climate, and lots greater. If what you're attempting to find isn't always a report or software, click on the app you need to use because the search. for example, in case you have been attempting to find "the big apple" and decided on the climate App you would be shown the climate in the big apple, ny.

By using default, seek organizes the available Apps by using how regularly they may be used and then in alphabetical order. if you need to preserve your favourite app on the pinnacle of the quest list, right-click on the app and choose Pin. Pinning the app will lock it in place no matter how frequently it is used. If there may be an app you don't want (e.g. Finance) you may activate and stale any of the search apps via the pc settings, that's found beneath the Settings within the Charms.

Bonus tip: the hunt is likewise observed through Charms and can also be opened by way of pressing home Windows key + F.

Running two apps side by side

Any app can be pinned to the left or right-hand side of the display screen. for example, open the human beings app after which press the Windows Key + . (period) to move that app to the right-hand aspect of the screen, urgent the equal keys again will circulate it to the left-hand aspect, and urgent the same keys once more makes it full screen. at the same time as an app is pinned, every other app or program may be opened and loaded into the available area on the display. as an instance, in the picture under, we've opened a browser window and feature the human beings app going for walks to reveal our social networks.

Any open app can also be pinned the use of your mouse via clicking on the top of the tile and dragging it to the left or proper-hand facet of the display.

Bonus tip: The computer can also be pinned to the left or proper-hand side of the display.

Note: For snap to work well your resolution have to be as a minimum 1,366 x 768.

Windows 8 Task Manager

The windows 8 Task Manager has been appreciably improved over preceding variations of home windows. a number of the adjustments include a total percentage utilization of your procedures, advanced overall performance graphs, a Startup tab to see startup methods, and the App history tab (as shown under) for general assets an app. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to begin exploring the brand new venture manager.

Use a picture password to log into your computer

Windows eight includes a new feature referred to as Picture password, which permits you to authenticate with the laptop using a sequence of gestures that consist of circles, instantly lines, and faucets. permit this selection in case you want a new way to get admission to your pc or have a hard time with passwords.

  • Open the home windows Charms.
  • Click on Settings after which greater computer settings.
  • In the pc settings window click on customers after which pick Create a photograph password.

Bonus tip: A 4 digit pin password also can be created and used to get right of entry to your computer.

Take advantage of Windows 8 apps

Home windows 8 comes included with numerous apps to help you get the maximum out of your pc. below are only some of the covered apps.


Microsoft touts the humans characteristic in home windows 8 due to the fact they apprehend what number of people are using social networks today. in the humans function you may be able to connect your home windows computer to all of the principal social networks consisting of Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. once connected, you could pin the humans app and monitor your social community (as proven underneath), use human beings in seek to discover people, and get an overview of what's happening in all of your social networks.


The Reader app gives you PDF guide right out of the field.


The SkyDrive app gives you get admission to to the Microsoft cloud carrier for storing pics, documents, and different documents in a cloud and get entry to or percentage the ones documents less difficult.


Take advantage of the home windows save and set up one or extra of the heaps of to be had apps designed for home windows 8. the shop is found within the start screen, or use search to search the shop app for any apps that you are looking for.

Know the answers to common questions

Home windows 8 is the biggest change to Microsoft home windows since the introduction of windows 95, which became launched all the way again in 1995. considering the fact that so many human beings have grown up with home windows, it may be hard to transition to a new way of doing matters. under, is a short listing of the maximum commonplace questions previous home windows users have.

Know the Jargon

Understanding all of the new jargon brought with home windows eight assist enhance your familiarity with windows eight and make it a more fun experience. below, are only some links to the maximum generally used windows eight phrases.

Additional information

See our home Windows 8 definition for similarly information and related links on this time period.

Top 10 Windows 8 tips and tricks - Gem Valley

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